Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A day of Celebration in pictures

Here's the beginning of it all...we started the program at 10 a.m. and finished a bit after 1 p.m.  It was a wonderful program!

It was awesome....mythological names given to the Majukayong men and the Balangao ladies.  They each sang a song in appreciation.  The men sang How Great Thou Art in their language and the Balangaos wrote a Balangao.  SO good at the end! (see previous post on blog)

Pastor Nardo was wonderful, speaking from the translated Nehemiah. WE were impressed that the mayor not only spoke but he also had a very special luncheon for me, talking about how "Juami" isn't a memory in Balangao, but a legend.  May it be the Lord's legend..when the Word of God came to Balangao!

After people ate they got out the gongs to dance...hard on the ears but everyone loved it!

It was very moving for the dedication prayer--all the teams working together to bring glory to God and both Balangao and Majukayong people into the Kingdom to praise God with the rest of us!

And we had a wonderful program.  Andrew Reichenbacher spoke so eloquently on behalf of all the building teams who to whom Balangaos expressed extreme thanks.  All the others will get their certificate of appreciation in the mail!

George Jones spoke on behalf of the donors without whom this would never have happened!  How we THANK the Lord for all they were able to do! George also prayed the prayer of dedication for the Majukayong team and the Balangao team.  Representatives of the Mangali team arrived about at the end of the program!

It didn't start to rain 'til 2 pm...We were THANKING the Lord!

Behind the scenes in the night

Butchering 2 pigs & 1 cow

3 wheel barrows full of cooked rice

Crowds being fed

Crowds getting rice
Fannah's sing their song

Girls dance

Laggunawa's sing their songs

Tony Dasalla of TAP

In Chris' house

Jo's encouragement

Mayor Chiyawan speaks

On our way to the Mayor's luncheon
Pastor Nardo and Nehemiah
Andrew on behalf of builders
George on behalf of donors

Awards to the Police Dept


Dancing inside cuz rocks only outside

George follows lead dancer

Praise God from whom all Blessing flow.  Pray for the teams that have work ahead of them.  We wait to see what God will do with the Bible in Natonin and Balangao and the areas around.

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